Soulquest Retreat

April 20 - 27th 2024

Soul Quest Retreat

April 20 - 27

Soul Quest Retreat

April 20 - 27 2024

A journey in the mystical lands of Turkey to activate your soul purpose to find great fulfillment in your contribution to the world

Have you achieved so much but still feel unfulfilled?

Is there more to life than this success?

Do you crave something more meaningful?

Now is your time to step into a realm where achievement isn't the summit but a stepping stone to a life of true significance, spiritual connection and unparalleled fulfillment. We believe that deep within you, there exists an extraordinary spiritual purpose. Often dormant, this purpose patiently awaits your remembering, your reawakening.

If you've accomplished much but yearn for a deeper purpose, we stand ready to guide you on this transformative quest, to unlock that code, and to set your soul's purpose ablaze. It's not about achieving more; it's about achieving from a place that resonates with your spirit, fueling a holistic growth mindset.

Join us on this Exclusive Retreat, journeying through sacred destinations in the mystical lands of Turkey from April 20th - 27th 2024.

What if your journey towards your life's fulfillment awaited you in the mystical lands of Turkey?

Reconnection with Self: Disconnect from the chaos of the world and rediscover your authentic self.

Spiritual Purpose Unleashed: Discover your true purpose and pursue your dreams with positivity and without fear of failure.

Clarity of Vision and Path: Gain a crystal-clear understanding of where you are in life and where you want to go.

Connection with your tribe: Surround yourself with a like-minded, supportive community for ongoing growth.

Emotional Empowerment: Develop emotional resilience, face your fears, and release emotions that no longer serve you.

Awakened Intuition: Activate your inner guidance system, enhancing your ability to make informed decisions.

What makes this retreat UNIQUE?

🌍 Energy activation from the ancient world's most mystical places where civilizations gathered for profound ritual and spiritual purposes: Cappadocia, the underground city of Derinkuyu, the sacred sites of Gobekli Tepe and Kerahan Tepe.

🌟 Transformation Awaits at Soul Quest as we dive deep into ancestral rituals and modern spiritual technologies such as energy and body work that serve as gateways to reconnection and healing to find your spiritual purpose and greater fulfillment in life.

💫 Your like-minded and light-hearted tribe

Be part of a selected tribe of extraordinary people who will resonate with your purpose and contribution to this planet and with whom you can give and receive support before, during and after the retreat.

🌀 Once-in-a-lifetime experiences like whirling Dervish dance class and a journey of transcendence in a hot air balloon at sunrise.

Personal support from great mentors who are there for you at anytime and altogether have contributed more than 35 years of spiritual service to the world. The technologies they use to help you remember your true purpose include Breathwork, Primal Dance, Astro-Embodiment, Yoga, Transpersonal Psychology, Meditation, Visualization and many, many more.

Ready for a journey that will help you feel more fulfilled with your life's achievements?


🌄 Retreat Arrival and an opening Ceremony

Your retreat begins with a warm check-in from 9am to 5pm, that allows you to settle into the tranquil embrace of the retreat site. This initial day is all about acclimatizing to the beautiful surroundings and immersing yourself in the serenity of Cappadocia. You will have an opening ceremony at 6pm and then we will end the day with a heartwarming welcome dinner.


🌠 Cultivating Inner Vision and Unveiling Clarity

On this day, we embark on a profound journey within, delving deep into the inner chambers of your mind. Our focus is to connect with your life's purpose and unveil a crystal-clear vision of what you aspire to achieve. We utilize powerful tools from transpersonal psychology, coaching, and NLP to help you craft a mindset that not only propels you toward your goals but is also intricately aligned with your core values, guiding your path and uncover hidden facets of yourself, your dreams, and your true self.


🌅 Unleashing the Power of Emotional Freedom

As we step into a new day of transformation, we dive deep into the world of emotions. Our mission is not just to understand them; it's to set them free. On this day, we embark on a profound exploration of emotional release, liberating the feelings that have long been stored within your body. We employ potent techniques, such as breathwork and EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) to break the chains of emotional constraints and tap into the wellspring of your inner vitality. And as the day comes to a close, a mesmerizing Whirling Dervish dance awaits lead by a famous local dervish group, an experience that perfectly mirrors the profound whirlwind of emotions and energy you've harnessed and released.


🔮 Awakening Your Intuition

Welcome to a day dedicated to the profound world of intuition, your silent yet most powerful life guide. We start at sunrise with a breathtaking hot air balloon journey above the enchanting landscapes of Cappadocia, setting the tone for a day of soaring intuition and profound self-discovery. Our immersive workshops and experiential sessions like Primal Dance, Visualizations and energy activations will be your gateway to amplifying your intuitive senses.


💫 Unlocking the Power of Your Life's Purpose

Today, we journey deep within to reconnect with the very essence of why you're here, reigniting a profound sense of purpose and meaning in your life. Through meditation, powerful group exercises, and the ancient wisdom of shamanic rituals, you'll delve into the profound depths of your soul. It's a day dedicated to rekindling your passion for life and tapping into your innate talents and gifts. We'll conclude this transformative day with a special celebration, savoring the delicious flavors of Anatolian cuisine during a Turkish Night, where your journey takes on an even more vibrant and flavorful dimension.


🏛️ Journey to Ancient Civilizations

Our journey today takes us to the heart of history as we venture to ancient sites, with a special stop at the awe-inspiring underground city of "Derinkuyu." This hidden labyrinth serves as a testament to human resilience, showcasing our capacity to adapt to even the most challenging circumstances and create sanctuaries that foster community, culture, and spirituality.

After our exploration, we'll journey by van to our new campgrounds in Sanliurfa, nestled in the proximity of Gobekli Tepe and Karahan Tepe.


🗿 Experiencing the most ancient ritual places of the planet

Our first stop takes us to Gobekli Tepe, a site that defies conventional wisdom. Step back in time approximately 12,000 years old. Gobekli Tepe astounds us with its awe-inspiring megalithic structures, which challenge our understanding of early human capabilities. The energy is very peaceful and admirative.

Continuing our expedition far from the tourist path, we venture to Karahan Tepe, dating back “maybe” 9,000 years, or more. The energy of this ritual space is very different from Gobekli and offers a unique glimpse into the intricate stone carvings and megalithic structures that provide tantalizing clues about the spiritual practices of the time.

We will end the day ritualizing and celebrating with music our inner & outer journey together.


🌟 Bringing the Sacred Home

As we arrive at the culmination of your transformative journey, you'll return home carrying a renewed sense of purpose and a crystal-clear path forward. The inspiration that you've gathered throughout our time together will continue to illuminate your life.

Following a hearty breakfast, we will officially end the retreat at 9am., we'll make our way to Sanliurfa Airport, from there, begin the journey back to your home bringing the sacred essence with you.

Benefits from attending this retreat

Awaken Your Sacred Essence and Rediscover Your Divine Nature

- Experience a profound homecoming to your sacred self.

- Reconnect with the divine nature that resides within you.

Find Clarity, Align with Purpose, and Illuminate Your Path Ahead

- Achieve a harmonious alignment with your life's purpose and future personal and professional steps.

- Gain a crystal-clear understanding of your personal journey.

Journey Inward and Outward to Unlock Your True Potential

- Delve deep within to uncover the treasures of your inner world.

- Journey outward to explore the most enigmatic and spiritual places of the ancient world.

Liberate Emotions and Find Authenticity

- Experience emotional release that leaves you feeling happier and lighter, free from burdens.

- Emerge as the most powerful and authentic version of yourself, ready to embrace life's challenges.

Transcend to the Spiritual Dimension

- Elevate your existence from the material world (3D) to the spiritual dimension (4D).

- Access higher realms and unlock the secrets of profound spiritual understanding.

The power of activations in sacred sites


A magical place

Nestled amidst the timeless landscapes of Central Anatolia, Cappadocia beckons as an ideal haven for those seeking profound wellness and spiritual renewal. For centuries, this mystical land has been a refuge for seekers and sages, where hermit monks once carved intricate cave dwellings into the soft, honey-hued rock formations. These ancient abodes, now transformed into boutique retreats and wellness sanctuaries, cradle the whispers of centuries-old meditations, making them the perfect cocoon for your own spiritual journey.

Gobekli and Kerahan Tepe

The most ancient ritual sites on the planet (officially)

Gobekli Tepe, often regarded as the world's first temple, is shrouded in profound mysteries. The site reveals massive stone pillars intricately carved with reliefs of animals and symbols. What sets Gobekli Tepe apart is its age - it dates back over 11,000 years, which challenges conventional narratives of human history.

The site holds the key to understanding our ancient ancestors' spiritual practices, making it an unparalleled destination for those on a quest to reconnect with their own spiritual essence.

Kerahan Tepe, its lesser-known counterpart, complements this experience. Carved out of the rock, it offers a unique blend of ancient wisdom and spirituality. The petroglyphs and ancient inscriptions found here whisper stories of a time when humans communed with the divine. Visiting Kerahan Tepe, you'll be transported back in time to the very cradle of human spirituality, where every carving carries a message, and every stone holds a sacred story.

What do previous retreat participants say?

"Thanks to this retreat I've opened my heart more and I've come home to who I am and I must be."

Pat Obuchowski - Book Author and Coach

"Thanks to the retreat I opened up, I was more myself and the other participant's vulnerability empowered me."

Jinan Jubayli - Therapist

"This is nothing like I've ever experienced, in an extremely powerful and positive way. It's very transformational."

Sandi Lindgren - Social Worker

"This was a powerful, fun and professionaly done retreat I recommend to anyone."

Susan Brown - Therapist and coach

"This helps knowing yourself and manifest your dreams"

Julia Carrillo & Roberto Paez - Country president Ipsos & CEO

"This retreat helped me connect with my deep authentic self and with other people with the same dream."

Miguel Cabrera - CEO

What will you experience in this extraordinary retreat?

During these 8 days you will experience:

  • Breathwork
  • Primal Dance
  • Transpersonal Psychology
  • Shamanic group rituals
  • Ancient Civilizations ritual sites
  • Morning Yoga & Chi kung
  • Meditations and Visualizations
  • Powerful facilitation with private access to the teachers
  • Group call previous and post to the retreat

  • 5 nights accommodation in beautiful “Les maison de Cappadoce” + 2 nights in Gobekli Tepe
  • Exclusive Hot Air Balloon journey at sunrise
  • Whirling Dervish Dance Class
  • Turkish Night & traditional Anatolian Cuisine
  • Walking tour with local guides
  • 3 Healthy Meals per day
  • Coffee breaks
  • Transfer from Cappadocia to Sanliurfa
  • Airport pick-up and drop-off from Kayseri (ASR), Navsehir (NAV) and Sanliurfa (GAP) Airports

Not included in the retreat

  • Travel insurance
  • Flights to Kayseri and from Sanliurfa
  • Visa

How to get there?

To reach the Venue, you need to book your flight to Kayseri Erkilet International (ASR) or Navsehir (NAV) Airports, in Turkey.

We recommend to book the flight back from Sanliurfa Airport (GAP).

Meet the Teachers

"We help individuals connect with their higher purpose and contribute consciously to the world"

Together we have contributed for more than +30 years to the personal transformation of business leaders and entrepreneurs with more than +300 workshops and retreats and +3000 hours of coaching and therapy.

David Lamka

Author - Speaker - Coach

David has a master's degree in law and a postgraduate degree in Transpersonal and Integral Psychology.

He is a Danza Primal teacher and a transformational leadership coach. He is the author of the book “The 5 Virtues of the Transformational Leader”, and was voted best tribe speaker at Mindvalley University 2022.

On his shamanic journey and quest for healing the mind, body and soul, David has developed expertise in embodiment practices and altered state of consciousness, all at the service of "connecting with one's higher self and find fulfillment in life".

He has been accompanying the transformation of thousands of leaders around the globe for more than 15 years.

About his book “The 5 Virtues of the Transformational Leader”

In this book you will find a model of 5 virtues that you can develop to initiate an organizational transformation and turn it into a triple impact company where the new success is measured economically, socially and environmentally.

Alexandra Molina

Author - Psychotherapist - Coach

With a diverse background in both Eastern and Western philosophies of well-being, Alexandra is an experienced Gestalt psychotherapist, yoga and meditation instructor, NLP practitioner, Pranic Healer, and Ayurveda expert.

Their training and practice encompass a unique blend of modern psychology and ancient Eastern philosophies.

This holistic approach allows Alexandra to offer a comprehensive perspective on personal growth and healing.

Their work is characterized by the integration of physical, mental, and spiritual practices, enabling individuals to lead balanced, fulfilling lives.

About her book “The Power of the Feminine Mind with the 44 Oracle Cards.”

The guidebook contains messages, visualizations, and affirmations to reprogram yourself, activating a mental attitude of power and self-love. In its pages, you will find tools to begin an introspective journey that will allow you to expand your abilities and gifts.

Visit her webpage

Do you want to experience an adventure with an exclusive tribe and direct access to exceptional mentors?

Know what great leaders think of David and Alexandra

"David Lamka shows us how to get comfortable with discomfort to become the transformational leaders we aspire to be."

Jay Coen

Founder of the BCorp Movement

"With David you will find inspiration that will strengthen your transformational leadership."

Julio Olalla

Creator of Ontological Coaching.

"Working with Alexandra Molina at her Retreat changed my life, I think every one should have this experience once in their life, it gave me powerful tools to transform and heal emotional blocks that I had not been able to heal for a long time. 100% recommended."

Melina Jara

Entrepreneur - Perfil Creativo

"It gave me tools to be a better person and leader"

Cecilia Lopez

Manager in Abbott Laboratories Ecuador

"The proposal that David makes is valuable. It gives a meaningful look at personal and work activity and calls for action."

Juan Manuel Santa Cruz

Director Lipigas Chile

"I better understood my leadership and discovered that I can also transmit it to my peers and work team."

Rodrigo Espinosa


"Being at Alexandra´s event was a life-changing experience that has brought so much to my personal, private, family, and professional life, allowing me to make very important decisions to let go of my fears and insecurities. It allowed me to gain complete confidence. I recommend it to everyone."

Tatiana Cisneros

CEO Amazon Aroma

The information shared was clear, actionable and inspiring. On top of that, I really appreciate the kind and generous spirit. Thank you so much for organizing the event and giving so freely.

Very Insightful!

Rebecca Spencer


"I highly recommend this Retreat because it is important that more people know about the energy that embraces and invites you to get to know yourself...It invites to reflection...It's beautiful to feel valuable, powerful, loved, and I want more women to feel that impulse and the potential of this mystical energy."

María Claudia Guillén

Manager WISEN Marketing

Ready to discover the extraordinary in the heart of Cappadocia?

Our main venue - Les Maisons de Cappadoce

Created with the foresight of an award-winning French architect in the 1990’s, “Les Maisons de Cappadoce” offers their guests a combination of an impressive hotel atmosphere and individual accommodation packed with creative details complimenting the natural architecture, wonderful scenery, fauna and colours of Cappadocia.

20 - 27th of April 2024

Do you feel the call to Soul Quest Retreat?

This retreat is a space for those who sense that something more profound is missing and are ready to explore the extraordinary within. We are thrilled to announce it will be an exclusive retreat with limited availability, offering just 12 spots where you will share this transformative experience with extraordinary people like yourself.

This promises to be an intimate gathering, ensuring a carefully curated and selected group. We invite you to apply now and secure your spot for this unique experience of tapping into your deepest fulfillment.

Together, we elevate ourselves to extraordinary heights, not for personal gain, but to give more to the planet.

Investment to Soul Quest retreat (in USD)

Room type

Super early

(Nov - Dec)


(Jan - Mar)

Right on time (Mar - Apr)



$ 3.490

$ 4.990

$ 4.190

$ 5.690

$ 4.990

$ 6.490

Super early (Nov - Dec)


Early (Jan - Feb)


Right on time (Mar - Apr)


The value is for a double room shared with another tribe member.

Are interested in a single room? The supplement is $1'500.


For this program we will offer scholarships to two extraordinary people whose contribution to the world will highly benefit from assisting but who cannot afford it.

If you have any doubts about attending, we want you to feel secure.

Here are our cancellation policies:

100% deposit refund for cancellation before March 20th.

50% deposit refund for cancellation before March 21st - April 5th.

0% deposit refund for cancellation before April 6th - April 20th.

Can't make it on those dates? How about the next Soul Quest?

Organized by:;

+593 98 086 7673;

+593 99 927 7966